Freshwater paperbark print

  • Sale
  • $35.00

There are three main species of paperbark tree, freshwater paperbark (Melaleuca rhaphiophylla), mondong or stout paperbark (M. preissiana) and saltwater paperbark (M.cuticularis).  They are all locally common across Western Australia's Swan Coastal Plain. The modong and freshwater species provide fine stands close to freshwater swamps, lakes and wetland depressions and the saltwater type preferring to dominate closer to saline rivers and estuaries. In this print the artist depicts the freshwater species found in Yellagonga Regional Park.  

Available sizes:
  • 297mm x 420mm (A3)
  • 210mm x 297mm (A4)
  • 148mm x 210mm (A5)

Available by Pre-Order as item is subject to Print-on-Demand. Please allow 10-14 working days for print and handling.

Paper: Archival, watercolour 


Note: Frames are for illustrative purposes only.