Daniel's Investigation: The story of a boy with an enquiring mind

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Daniel’s dream that dolphins are no longer coming to swim in the river sets him on an investigative journey to discover more about dolphins and the rivers they call home. Along the way, he discovers that a lot of people care about dolphins, just like he does.

Perfect for primary school-aged, self-readers or to enjoy reading to your children and grandchildren. 

Did you know? In 2014 Junior Dolphin Watch was launched with the aim of engaging students in citizen science and assist them in learning about dolphins living in the Swan and Canning rivers.  Schools that take part in the Junior Dolphin Watch project receive free Dolphin Watch training incursions, curriculum linked teacher resources, the loan of a Dolphin Watch kit box of resources and ongoing support from education staff at the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.

To find out more about the Junior Dolphin Watch project and new 'dolphin' school holiday programs visit the River Guardians website.