Tuart Dwellers

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From the break of dawn to nightfall, the tuart is not as it appears.  Leaves and bark, trunk and branches - all are places of pretence, traps and trickery.

Find out what surprise a "moon crater" might hide and why a bullseye borer drills holes; how a crab spider goes shopping and a jewel beetle becomes a seedpod; why a dragon wears a beard and how a gecko talks.  And meet the "mad hatterpiller", who does a very clever hat trick.

Tuart Dwellers celebrates the diversity, colour and ingenuity of the natural world.

Short listed for the Children's Book Council of Australia - Eve Pownall Award and Winner of the Wilderness Society of Australia's Environmental Childrens Book of the year award. 

NOTE: For wholesale orders please contact WA Naturally Publications on (08) 9334 0355 or 0417 186 750 or fax your order through to (08) 9334 0432.